Potty Training Tips & Tricks

Disclosure: All opinions on this post are my own. However, this post may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you click a link and purchase something. Please check out my disclosure policy for more details.

Potty TrainingTips & Tricks

It gets messy, lot’s of underwear washing, lots of paper towels, lots of deep breaths, but we did it! WOOHOO!

For any parent who has gone through potty training, a HUGE round of applause for guiding your child towards accomplishing this big milestone!

This was one milestone I was a little intimidated to cross, especially with my first born. As a new mom and zero experience, I wasn’t exactly sure how potty training was going to go down.

I read a ton of potty training methods and forums and tailored my approach as needed during the process to what worked for my kids.

To my surprise, potty training my kids was actually quite easy. I either got lucky, or it was all in my approach. Who knows. *shrugs*

After potty training my first born, I felt so much more confident in training my second.

My kids were in daycare at an early age and so they were exposed to seeing other children use the potty on a daily basis. This easily peeked their interest in the potty which was a huge help in actually starting the process.

I was able to potty train both of my kids over a weekend. Miraculously, my son rarely ever had accidents and will wake up in the middle of the night to use the potty.

My daughter will have a night time accident once in a blue moon but very rare.

Although my kids have been potty trained for some time now, I’m here to share my potty training tips and tricks in hopes it can provide insight and help for you as you prepare to potty train your little one.

As a disclaimer, I’m no expert. I’m simply sharing what worked for my children in hopes that you can take something away from it.

In addition, not all children are the same and some may take longer to accomplish potty training AND THAT’S TOTALLY OKAY! DO NOT feel bad at-all if your child is taking a little longer than others. Take a deep breath and keep at it because YOU’RE DOING AWESOME! Your kiddo will be well on his/her way soon enough.

Now on to the tips and tricks!

Check for Readiness

This is huge and so important before you even begin. You’ll want to ensure that your child is showing signs that they are interested and ready to potty train.

A few signs my children showed they were ready:

  • Showing interest in both my husband and I’s potty behavior such as asking questions, acting out potty behavior such as pretending to wipe
  • Showing interest in the potty such as wanting to flush and putting toilet paper in the toilet
  • Telling me they’ve pee’d or pooped in their diaper
  • Wanting a dry diaper
  • Hiding while pooping in diaper or stepping away to poo

If your child is showing one or more of these signs, it may be a good idea to introduce potty training.

Get Organized Today with a Bullet Journal!

Block Out A Weekend for Potty Training

My kids were able to get potty training down over a weekend.

I would suggest blocking out a weekend where there are zero activities and appointments scheduled since you’ll want to focus your attention on strictly potty training.

You’ll want to avoid as many car or public messes as possible. That’s just too much added stress and additional work for you.

It might also make it harder for your child to grasp peeing in the potty if you’re out while potty training and unable to quickly get to a toilet.

Save yourself the trouble – block out a weekend strictly for potty training.

Potty Books

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This seem a little silly but I’m telling you, they help! I literally purchased only ONE potty book but it was enough and did the job.

Reading potty books are a fun way to introduce the potty beforehand and even while sitting on the potty.

I absolutely love the book I purchased! It’s called Pete’s Potty by Begin Smart Books. It’s simply worded and each page has peak-a-boo flaps as you and your child search for the potty.

We still read this book during our story times because my kids get a kick out of the peek-a-boo flaps and of course the words “poo and pee”.

With a now 6 and 3 year old, the words poo and pee are never said without a good laugh.

Talk Your Child Through the Process

I personally feel this is an important step in potty training because for my kids, it helped them understand the potty training process, helped boost their confidence, and stay engaged.

Days before potty training, I planted seeds here and there about how they’re getting bigger and will get to use the potty soon like mommy and daddy.

I made a big deal about buying new underwear. I took my kids to Target, of course, and let them pick out their own underwear and explained, “Since you’re getting bigger, you finally get to wear big girl/boy underwear! How exciting!” They loved picking out their favorite characters!

I would refrain from opening the new underwear and trying them on right away so that it gives them something to look forward to on the big day!

The day before potty training, I explained they get to wear their brand spankin’ new “big girl/boy” underwear tomorrow and that we get to put the diapers away.

Really pump them up and make underwear sound super exciting as well as being able to start using the potty! They’ll be excited to open the package and put them on first thing in the morning!

Also explain to my kids they’ll want to keep the underwear dry because it is not the same as a diaper. I explained poo and pee goes in the potty (show them: walk them to the potty and point into the toilet) and if they have to go poo or pee, yell “POTTY!” so that mommy and daddy can take them to the potty.

To ensure they understood I asked them, “where does poo and pee go?” They pointed at the toilet and yelled, “the potty!” I made sure they physically ran to the bathroom and pointed at the toilet.

Cheer for them and pump your kids up. The more excitement the better!

As your child is practicing on the potty and even when they’ve started using it correctly, talk them through each step as you’re walking them through the motions of peeing/pooing, wiping, pulling up underwear, flushing, washing, etc.

I made up a ton of songs during potty training. I call them my “one hit wonders”. The tune and words changed every time because I could never remember how I sang it the first time around but it made the process fun and light.

Again, just remember to talk them through everything and communicate well to your child.

Toilet vs. Potty Training Toilet

I had purchased a potty training toilet but decided to use the regular toilet to get my kids use to it from the get-go.

I felt like it would eliminate any fear or intimidation going from a small toy like toilet to the real deal.

Screen Shot 2017-10-28 at 1.26.35 PMI felt it was important to get them use to using the regular toilet early on so they can practice the actual motions of going into the bathroom, sitting on the toilet, wiping, and flushing.

Not sure if this was an important piece that helped my kids learn so quickly, but I like to think it was.

However, I would recommend getting a potty training seat so that their little booties don’t fall in the toilet.

Also, don’t forget some sort of stool so that when your child is ready, they can easily step up onto the toilet on their own.

In the end, our potty training toilet permanently became the toilet stepping stool since it had a lid.

Ditch Diapers During the Day

I’ll be honest, this was the most scary part of potty training for me because I was not looking forward to pee everywhere and yes, it gets messy so be prepared.

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Make sure you have SEVERAL packs of underwear before you begin. I would suggest purchasing 3-4 packs of underwear. The underwear will replace the diapers during the day and you’ll go through A LOT!

Know that you’re going to be washing clothes quite a bit and I wouldn’t even bother putting pants on.

Your child WILL have accidents and when they feel the pee running down their legs, underwear getting wet, as well as the floor beneath them, they’ll realize that isn’t suppose to happen.

You may see your child slightly freak out that their pee is everywhere. They may cry, or it may not even phase your child at all but this leads into one of the most important steps – STAY CALM.

Accidents Will Happen – Stay Calm

Like I mentioned, your child will have many accidents throughout the day and you may find yourself at some point getting frustrated and tired.

You’ll want to ensure you’re mentally prepared before getting into this and know that it’s going to take some work.

When the accidents occur, stay calm and simply acknowledged they had an accident, that it is okay, and remind them where poo and pee goes.

I asked my kids multiple times throughout the day, “where does pee and poo go?” Remember to have them physically show you.

When my kids had accidents during potty training, they would slightly panic about the pee running down their legs and puddling beneath them. For me, it was important that I kept them calm and said in a calm but animated voice, “Oops! Accident. Let’s go to the potty!”

I didn’t want them to feel ashamed at any point or detest potty training all together so staying calm was extremely important.

Diapers At Night

I may be okay with cleaning tons of messes during the day but at night, we can save the pee for a diaper. Mama needs to sleep.

Even though I chose to use diapers at night with my kids, it didn’t seem to cause any confusion.

At this point, we had been focusing on no poo or pee in the underwear. I made sure to communicate that even though we are putting a diaper on, we still want to keep poo and pee in the potty.

Remember to give plenty of potty breaks prior to bed.

I may just be lucky but I rarely had night time accidents with my son. He has always been good about waking up in the middle of the night to use the potty. My daughter will have night time accidents once in a blue moon.

If you’re going back and forth on wether to use diapers or potty training pull-ups, I’d say go with diapers. They’re so much cheaper and you’ll only be using them at night.

It made no difference for us using diapers because again, I communicated with my kids that this diaper is different and we want to keep it dry.

I actually used diapers at night for a long time until I was completely confident they could handle the night with underwear.

Even though I had them in diapers at night, they would wake up dry.

Diaper Exceptions

Once my kids were potty trained, it was important to keep them in underwear at that point during the day. However, there were exceptions where I would put a diaper on during the day.

I would only have them in diapers during the day if were driving for long periods of time and new that getting to a bathroom would be tough.

Also remember to bring several pants and underwear to change into when you’re out and about.

Continue to communicate with your child explaining poo and pee is for the potty. “Although you have a diaper on, we want to keep it dry. Let mommy me know and I’ll take you to the potty, okay?”

Avoid Big Messes & Easy Clean Up Tips

Plan to potty train your child in a carpet free area. This will make cleaning up the floors so much easier!

Plan on bringing plenty of activities in the area to keep your child from going onto the carpet. If you’re lucky enough to have large carpet free areas, you’re so lucky!

I kept my kids in the kitchen. I dragged their kitchen play set, blocks, puzzles, books, crayons and paper, play-doh. Anything that kept my kiddos busy in one area as much as possible.

Whenever my kids sat on our upholstered dining chairs or couches, I made sure to place a trash bag and towel over the seat to avoid getting the seats wet.

The towel is important as it soaks up the pee instead of risking the pee running off of the trash bag and onto the seat. Towels are so much easier to clean than couches.

Then, watch them like a hawk to ensure they don’t move! (Total joke)

Hydrate & Set Your Timer + Potty Training Apps

One way to ensure we took advantage of as many opportunities as we could to use the toilet, I kept my kids well hydrated.

Ensure to keep a water bottle around and encourage your kids to drink plenty of fluids so that they’re having to use the potty more often. Practice, practice, practice!

You’ll also want to ensure you are setting a timer to beat those accidents.

To start, I had set my timer for every 20 minutes to take a break and sit on the potty. We brought books to the bathroom to read while on the toilet to pass the time as we waited for them to poo or pee.

I recommend taking advantage of potty training apps to keep track of the time and their progress. I used the Pull-Ups potty training app and loved it but unfortunately, I believe their app is currently not working properly.

Screen Shot 2017-10-28 at 1.40.21 PMHowever, I found a great app that you might enjoy. It’s called Potty Baby for Android users. This app has a very clean and simple layout. It tracks all of the important details that you need: multiple children profiles, timers and duration, child’s potty training history, and more.

I stayed away from the apps that include games for the kids while on the toilet. I didn’t want my kids to get too involved into the app that they weren’t present in the process and instead lost in an app and not paying attention to their bodies.

If your child is sitting on the toilet for a while without any traces of poo or pee, it may help to run the faucet.

Don’t be surprised if you sit on the toilet for 30 minutes and as soon as your child gets up, they decide to pee on the floor. This happened so-many-times!

Quickly set them back on the potty and cheer and praise like crazy if they’re able to get a little in the toilet. “You did it!!! Yay!!!”

Bribe & Reward

Yup, I sure did! You know what? It worked!

I made sure to pick up my kids favorite treats before potty training and explained, whenever you go poo or pee in the potty, you get a treat!

It was something they looked forward to after going in the potty and encouraged them to do it again.

I know some may disagree and that’s totally fine. As for us, it helped.

It doesn’t even need to be sweets, it could simply be a sticker. Get creative with whatever you feel will excite your child.

Holding Poo & Constipation

This is totally a thing, so don’t panic.

Both of my kids went through this and I’ve read time and time again of so many others who dealt with it.

Apparently, it’s a fear of losing a part of their body when they poop.

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When your find your child refusing the poop, they’ll most likely experience constipation from holding it in and backing themselves up.

I had to make a trip to the grocery store to purchase pear and apple prune juices to get those bowels moving. So quick tip here, purchase before hand so that you’re prepared and save yourself the extra trip!

The juices help and eventually my son couldn’t hold it in any longer and finally pooped for the first time. I still remember his reaction! He was completely surprised and you best believe I cheered like a crazy woman!

Don’t Force It

I actually attempted to potty train both of my kids once before they were actually ready. The first attempt, I thought they were ready and quickly found out that wasn’t the case.

They wanted absolutely NOTHING to do with trying to use the potty. It was a struggle to keep them on the toilet and soon came the tears and unable to get them into the bathroom.

Once they started crying, that’s when I quickly stopped and had to let it go. I didn’t mention anything else about the potty as if it never happened.

If your child is not ready, it will make the process of potty training so much harder for the both of you. It may also lead to negative feelings and resentment toward the potty.

Let your child know that it is okay and that if they’re not ready to use it yet, they don’t have to.

Take a break from the potty for a while. Give it a month and/or when you notice more signs of interest, re-introduce potty training then.

Well, I hope that my experience helped you gain a little insight into the world of potty training. I also hope you’re able to walk away from this with a few tips to help you and your little ones through this journey.

Just remember, all kids are different and if your child takes a little longer than others, DO NOT FRET! Try talking with your pediatrician to see what additional advice they can offer.

Most of all, try your best to not stress. Make it as fun and light as possible for the both of you.


If you have any questions at all, please leave them in the comments. I’d love to hear from you!


Easy Halloween Costume Ideas for Mom

Disclosure: All opinions on this post are my own. However, this post may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you click a link and purchase something. Please check out my disclosure policy for more details.


There are a ton of family fun events happening around or near you during this time of the year.

From trick-or-treating at the mall, trunk or treats, to halloween story times and parties, I’m sure you’ll be needing a quick, easy, last minute Halloween costume.

Many of us mom’s are constantly on the go that we rarely have time to put thought into our own costumes.

If you find yourself in a pinch, here are a few quick and easy costume ideas with pieces you may already have in your closet – or similar to.

They’re a fun, modern day twist on characters so that instead of fussing over what to wear, you can enjoy the moment with your family and still feel like you’ve done your part in dressing up!

Flora & Fauna-2

Product Links

DC Comics Wonder Woman Crown
Wonder Woman Shirt
Boyfriend Jeans
Hi Top Chuck Taylor All Star Shoes

Flora & Fauna

Product Links

Black Bowler Fedora Hat
Black Belted Long Cardigan
Red Knitted Scarf
Levi’s 721 High Rise Jeans
Black Chinese Laundry Mules
Merona Flower Print Weekender Bag

Flora & Fauna-4

Product Links

Yellow Slouchy Beanie
Round Rim Fashion Glasses
Yellow Turtleneck
Levi’s Women’s Original Overalls
Pulama Straw Crossbody Banana Bag
Sam Edelman Tinsley Rain Boot

Flora & Fauna-5

Product Links

Blue Bow
White Button Down Blouse
Jean Vest
Jean Skirt
White Apron
Ralph Lauren Black Penny Loafers

Flora & Fauna-6

Product Links

Mario Hat
Red Long Sleeved Shirt
Levi’s Women’s Original Overalls
White Gloves
Clarks Women’s Desert Boots


If you’re unsure what to do this fall, I’ve created a post Fall Checklist | Make the Most of this Season! There, you will find a list of great ideas for you and your family to spend some quality time and enjoy this beautiful time of the year!


Trendy Fashion Finds for $20 or Less

Disclosure: All opinions on this post are my own. However, this post may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you click a link and purchase something. Please check out my disclosure policy for more details. 

Trendy Fashion Finds for $20 or Less

This is the very first post for my newest blog series called the “$20 Round Up” where I search high and low on the web to round up fashion, accessories, household goods and more for $20 or less!

I am all about a great find for an even greater price!

Be sure to click the “Follow” button on the right side-bar to ensure you don’t miss a $20 Round Up!

This first round up is all about fall fashion so let’s get to it!

Black Roxy Juniors Love in L.A. Hat $14.40

Black Roxy Juniors Love in L.A. Hat

Round Lens Sunglasses $12.00

Round Lens Sunglasses

Khaki Cable Knit Long Sleeves Cardigan $18.00

Khaki Cable Knit Long Sleeves Cardigan

Black Fleece Lined Leggings $7.95

Black Fleece Lined Leggings

No. 567 Black Ankle Chelsea Boots $13.90

Please note, price may vary depending on shoe size.
No. 567 Black Ankle Chelsea Boots

Grey Reversible Tote Bag $19.99

Grey Reversible Tote Bag

HONEYCAT 18K Rose Gold Plated Round Edge Bar Necklace $16.00

HONEYCAT 18K Rose Gold Plated Round Edge Bar Necklace

My Coffee Story

Disclosure: All opinions on this post are my own. However, this post may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you click a link and purchase something. Please check out my disclosure policy for more details.


Surprise, Surprise! Another mom who loves coffee. It’s funny how coffee is such an essential part of my day. Maybe not the most healthiest essential, but it is what it is.

I know the topic of this post may seem a little silly, but so many of us moms turn to coffee to help us get through our day and damnit it really helps get the job done! So I thought it would be fun to share a quick little story of how coffee became such an essential part of my every day routine.

Growing up, my parents were coffee drinkers. I remember my dad drinking at least 4-5 cups every morning! Crazy, I know, but he finally had listened to his Dr. and slowed down on his intake within the last few years.

I remember hating the smell of coffee. My mom had let me taste it as a young teen just to fill my curiosity and I remembering it tasting like complete trash.

I also remember being quite strict with my parents about their daily consumption. It was probably from hearing about the doctor’s comments to my dad due to health concerns that pushed me against coffee in general.

It wasn’t until I was 23 when I had my first real cup of coffee.

I was recently married and moved away from the state I was born and raised in. It was actually my first time living out of state. I got a job as a front desk receptionist at a small real estate and investment company where I was the youngest in the office. There was a total of about 7 others in the entire office and everyone was at least 35+. At the time, 35 seemed old but now it’s within arms reach. 😭 Every single one of them drank coffee.

I opened the office along with one other lady who was probably in her late 50’s and it was my job to prepare the morning pot of coffee. You know, one of the many important tasks of a receptionist. However, I can admit now that preparing coffee in the morning is probably one of thee most crucial tasks of the day but I didn’t understand that then.

So there I was each morning making coffee for everyone. The lady I opened with had to show me how to prepare coffee because I had never made it before.

My First Real Cup of Joe

One specific morning I was suffering to – the – core. It was Vegas and I had a crazy night. I remember dragging my body in that office wondering how in the hell am I going to make it through the day?! There was no – way. My co-worker suggested I drink a cup of coffee and well, I was desperate, so I figured why not.

Well dang, I’ve never had coffee before. Should I pour a full cup? Half a cup? What if I don’t like it, I don’t want to waste it. How much cream should I add? One, two, or three packets of sugar? Typical me and my thoughts. *eye roll*

I remember taking a few sips and thinking it actually wasn’t that bad. Not exactly how I remembered it tasting when I was younger. I didn’t exactly like it but it was tolerable. I kept drinking it because if it was going to wake me up to get me through my day, then I could handle a cup of coffee.

Well, it definitely did its job! I remember feeling so awake and energized. It gave me life! I freaking loved it!

The next morning, I made myself another cup of coffee and well, the rest is history.

It wasn’t until I started working at a more stressful job a year later that it had become an essential part of my morning.

I eventually graduated from one cup to two but that is the max I will drink in a day for health reasons. I don’t always have two cups but I’m finding more days than not, I’m making a second cup. #motherhood

I’m not picky when it comes to the type of coffee I’m drinking. I used to be OBSESSED with giving my money away to Starbucks. I’d jump in that drive thru for an iced mocha any chance I had but then my stomach started disagreeing with their coffee. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll still take Starbucks any day but they’re no longer my first choice.

I’ve been finding my way in the Dunkin’ Donuts drive thru more often for their iced coffee with cream and liquid cane sugar. It’s simple and good, but most mornings I’m making coffee with our Keurig. We use a refillable K-Cup which you can purchase here. It is so convenient and such a money saver rather than buying the coffee pods. With the refillable pod, you can re-use it over and over with any ground coffee you like!

hills bros coffee

I’m currently enjoying Hills Bro. medium roast coffee. It’s smooth and less acidic which my tummy appreciates!

cheeky byron coffee mug

I’ve been drinking my coffee in these cute new mugs I recently purchased from Target! To me, they’re the perfect size and perfect for eating ice cream out of. What I love about these mugs is that they’re made by Cheeky. Their goal is with every 4 pack you purchase, Cheeky will donate 4 MEALS or 1 MEAL for every item purchased to people in need right now in the U.S. through their partnership with Feeding America.

If you’re interested in giving back with your purchase, click here!

I know, my story isn’t super funny or creative, but that’s my coffee story. That is how my love for coffee came to be.

What’s Your Coffee Story?

I’m just curious, what’s your coffee story? When did you first have your REAL cup of coffee? Did you like, love, or hate it? How do you currently take your coffee? Do you even like coffee? Share with me the deets, I’d love to know!

Fall Checklist | Make the Most of this Season!

Disclosure: All opinions in this post are my own. However, this post may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you click a link and purchase something. Please check out my disclosure policy for more details.

Rinse, pat and dry. Learn the best ways to washingyour face on janiceblogs.co

Fall is FINALLY upon us and even though temperatures are still climbing to the low 90’s here in Austin, please believe I will take advantage of anything and everything fall related.

Fall is my favorite time of the year. I love everything about this season. The colors, scents, flavors, holidays, drop in temperature (eventually), my birthday of course. My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving and I what I love most about this season are the memories I hold.

I grew up in the good ‘ol Pacific Northwest in Washington state. Fall in the PNW is absolutely stunning. It’s like a beautiful painting of yellow, orange, and reds. The cold temperatures, the layers of clothing paired with scarves and boots. I call it perfection! Although, it can be a bit wet! But when you’re born and raised in the rain, it doesn’t even phase you.

Growing up, my mom loved decorating for the holidays and seasons. Out come the faux orange, yellow, and red leaves, pinecones, and decorative centerpieces. My most favorite memory was waking up on Thanksgiving morning. My dad would start on the turkey the night before because we were the type to start our meal at early lunch.

My mom and dad would wake up bright and early to get started on cooking right away. The delicious smell of the turkey in the oven filled the entire house. The Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade playing on TV while I picked at everything my parents were cooking. Such warm and wonderful memories that I never forget.

Since I love this time of the year so much, I’ve created a checklist to help ensure you and your family are getting the most out of this season!

Decorate Your Home

If you’re like me and living where it’s still 90 degrees in the fall, it can take away from the feeling of the season. A good way to set the mood is to decorate your home so that you’re always surrounding and reminded of fall to really boost your spirits!

It doesn’t even take much! You’ll be surprised at the great inexpensive decor you can find at the Dollar Store, Walmart, Target, Ross, and much more. Even the smallest touches of fall decor scattered around the house makes a difference. A small pumpkin here, a bouquet of leaves there, and a little sign here. Once fall is over, tuck them away for safe keeping to pull them out again next year and slowly build your fall decor collection!

Don’t forget to light fall scented candles! You’ll be amazed and how much of a difference it makes to really set the tone for your home.

Bake Fall Inspired Goodies

What’s fall without pumpkin spice and everything nice? The kitchen is a great place for the family to gather and what better time of the year to round up everyone to bake some goodies. Breads, pies, and cookies – oh my! You can even turn it into a family tradition! Round up your favorite recipes in a box or discover new recipes each year!

Update Your Wardrobe

If the weather is cooling down, it’s time to put away the summer tanks and pull out the sweaters, scarves, and comfy socks! Treat yourself to a new sweater, flannel, or beanie to add something new to your cold weather wardrobe. If it’s still hot in your area, you can still add a fall twist with a great Happy Fall Y’all Autumn Womens Vintage Holiday Shirt” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>graphic tee like this one here! 

Take Family Photos

The time of year when the shades of yellow, orange, and red make for beautiful backdrops for your family photos. Head out with your family to a field with trees in the distance, an apple farm, and of course the pumpkin patch. Fall photos always make for beautiful photos and a great way to capture memories of your family through the years.

Decorate Pumpkins

This is a fun one to do with your family! If you’re like my family, carving pumpkins start out as a fun and interesting project, but some how ends up with mom or dad carving away while the kids at some point ran off to play Legos. Attention span at their age is still very short. Another fun option is to bring out paint and let the kids have at it! For the smaller ones, markers and stickers are always fun too! You can even get creative with your own pumpkin mama!

Visit Local Fall Festivals

If you’re not familiar, this is the time when there’s a ton of free fun events for your family. In my area, local parks, churches, schools, YMCA’s, and businesses put on fall events for families. The best ways to find out what’s happening in your area is to take to Google and search “fall activities in (your city)”. My favorite place to find local events are Facebook! On the left-hand side menu of your Facebook page, you’ll find the Events tab where you’ll see the many things happening around or near you!

Send Gratitude Cards

Thanksgiving is traditionally a time to reflect on things you’re grateful for. Though, it is always a good habit to acknowledge gratitude everyday, this time of year is a great reminder if you haven’t in some time. As a parent, it is so easy to get wrapped up in the day to day tasks that we often forget to sit and reflect. This year, take some time to write a little note of gratitude to the ones you love, even if you tell them everyday. A perfect way to warm hearts during this season of thanks!

Watch Halloween Classics

Am I the only one who gets excited when the Halloween specials and classics play on TV? Here’s an idea for your uneventful evenings on the weekend! Pop some popcorn, make some hot chocolate, bring the blankets to the couch, and put on some good ‘ol Halloween classic movies and/or cartoons. A fun and relaxing way to simply be with your family.

Visit A Pumpkin Patch / Farm

Last but not least, I feel like this is a must, especially if you have kids. It sort of becomes a family tradition and the perfect time to take your family photos! Finding a pumpkin patch in your area is so easy. I’m lucky to live in an area where we’re surrounding by pumpkin patches. Take to Google and search pumpkin patches in your area. I even recommend posting a recommendation request on your Facebook page/groups of local pumpkin patches. I’m confident you’ll have multiple friends chiming in on their favorite patches and you’ll have more options than you’ll need!

I hope this fall checklist inspires you to get into the fall spirit and take advantage of this beautiful season. I’ll end this post with some photos of our most recent trip to a pumpkin patch two days ago. Have fun with your family, create new traditions, and make wonderful memories to last a lifetime!

Ian Melia Pumpkin Patch1

Melia Pumpkin Patch 4

Ian Pumpkin Patch 3

Ian Pumpkin Patch 1

Melia Pumpkin Patch 5

Ian Melia Pumpkin Patch2

Ian Melia Pumpkin Patch 4

Ian Melia Pumpkin Patch3


My Birth Control Experiences

birth control methods

Last week I received a Facebook notification of a new post in a local group I’ve recently joined. It was a first time mom wanting to know the different birth control methods other moms were using.

After having our second child 3 years ago, my husband and I had decided we didn’t really want to have anymore children (unless our future says otherwise).

I am no medical professional. I would certainly advise you to always seek medical advice with a professional before making any decisions to your health. I’m simply here to share my personal history with birth control to help one gain insight into another woman’s experience.


The first birth control method I tried was the pill in my teen years with it being 99.9% effective if taken correctly. I can’t remember the exact pill I was on, but I do know it was a combination pill containing both estrogen and progestin. I had been on the pill for about two years until I realized that it wasn’t exactly the best fit for me. I had a horrible time remembering to take it. I mean, have the worst memory to begin with, but even with an alarm and carrying the pill with me, I still managed to forget. Either it was my memory or it was just plain laziness. Luckily, I dodged getting pregnant, even when I had missed a day or two… or three of taking the pill.

I had given the pill 3 other tries, even right after both of my births. After my second born 3 years ago, I went on what is called the mini pill which only contains progestin. The main reason I chose the mini pill was because I was breastfeeding, which is what my doctor had recommended. Prior to the mini pill, I had no real side effects with the other pills I’ve tried in the past. However, the mini pill made me feel a little different. It made me feel off. Both my mood and my body didn’t feel right. Maybe it had to do with the fact that I just had a baby. Once again, I also had a hard time getting in a routine of remembering to take it. I definitely didn’t want to get pregnant again so I needed something much more low maintenance. That was the last of pills for me.


Before I talk about what birth control method I chose after the mini pill, I first want to share my experience with Depo. Rewinding back to my late teens, the pill clearly wasn’t a good fit for me. I learned from a friend about another low maintenance form of birth control called the Depo-Provera shot containing progestin and is more than 99% effective if used correctly. With the shot, you only get it once every 3 months AND you don’t have a period. This sounded like the perfect low maintenance solution with a perk (no period)! Boy was it a blessing in disguise.

Growing up, I’ve always been thin framed. Putting on weight was nearly impossible for me. I was around 18 or 19 years old and my metabolism worked like a beast! However, a year in on the shot, I started to find that my thin frame was starting to put on weight. I was actually thrilled because I’ve been wanting to gain weight for the longest! I was very self conscious of how thin I was because a lady from my church approached my mom asking if I was anorexic. Far from it, but I looked it. When the pounds and pant sizes continued to climb and I noticed the skin on my knees started to look swollen, I needed to evaluate my health. I also started shedding mass amounts of hair like crazy until I could physically see thinning around the top of my head. It was remarkably noticeable.

What has changed to all of a sudden cause these changes in my body? The only thing that made sense was the shot. When I took to the internet to research, low and behold, many other women were experiencing weight gain and thinning of the hair. Clearly this form of birth control was not agreeing with my body so I decided to stop birth control for a while to rid my body of the hormones.


Now, back to when I decided to quit the pill once again after my second child. I needed another low maintenance form of birth control. That is when my doctor recommend the Mirena Intrauterine Device (IUD) which is 99% effective. Present day, I am currently on the Mirena IUD. This is my first experience with an IUD. It is one of the most low maintenance forms of birth control as you only need to change it out every 5 years. (Hey-hey!)

When my doctor first recommended it, I took to the internet right away. Probably a bad idea because all you read about were the horror stories. Although it scares me half to death, I feel better knowing what could happen than not knowing at all. I read so many stories about how painful it was to insert the IUD but I figured, it couldn’t hurt more than child birth – right?

Did it hurt?

Let me share my experience with inserting the IUD.

Warning: TMI

My doctor wanted me to schedule the insertion on the heaviest day of my period. Wonderful.

The day before my appointment, I was required to take a prescribed pill that opens up the cervix making it easier to insert the IUD. I had zero side effects with the pill.

The day of my appointment, I’m escorted to a room, the nurse takes vitals and asks a few general questions, then asks me to undress from the waist down and to put on the gown. She was about to leave the room when I had to stop her – (hooooold up… waaaaait a minute…… did we forget I’m on the heaviest day of my period and you want me to sit butt naked.. on the that table.. without a tampon or pad to collect this bloody mess streaming out of my vagina????)

“Is there something I can sit on because I’m on my period…” (So awkward even though we’re both women.) So the nurse gave me a puppy pad to sit on. You know, those same puppy pads used in the hospital bed when you’re having a baby.

I kid you not, the hardest part of this entire process for me was sitting and waiting for the doctor to come in. For some reason, that day was the day she was running behind on appointments due to a delivery. You can imagine how fun it was to be sitting on that puppy pad making quite the bloody mess. I was squeezing my lady parts like I had never squeezed them before. It was probably the most kegel exercise I’ve done in my life!

Finally my doctor came in the room and had asked me to scoot to the end of the table and spread ’em wide (not those exact words of course). I told her, “you’ll have to excuse the bloody mess down there.” LOL! I literally excused my period to my doctor who’s seen a million bloody vaginas… so dumb. Of course she said it was no problem and when she actually looked down there, “Oh you have a heavy period huh.” (Why yes, I actually do have quite the heavy period. I’ve been having a grand ‘ol time sitting here tamponless on my heaviest day!)

She first started with measuring my uterus asking me to breathe in and out a few times to help the process feel more comfortable. I felt zero pain but more of a scratchy feeling.

Can I just mention how much I dislike that metal spreading device? SO uncomfortable.

She swabbed the area which was painless, asked me to breathe in and out a few more times and it was inserted! I felt no pain at all. Again, it felt more like a scratchy feeling than anything.

I’m not sure if it’s because I have a higher tolerance for pain or if it was because I had delivered a child naturally 7 months ago, but it was definitely painless for me.

7 Months Later

How am I doing now? Well, I’ve had the IUD in for 7 months and it’s actually working out great so far! After about a month in, I had breakouts of acne on my face, chest, and back which was rare for me as I’ve never really had problematic skin. It slowly went away and I think it was my body’s way of getting used it. I get more single breakouts on my back than I had prior to the IUD but it’s usually only one at a time and not a cluster.

As mentioned earlier, I HAD heavy periods. I had to use Super Plus tampons on my heaviest and Super on “normal days”. Now, my period is almost nonexistent! I spot more than I actually bleed but the spotting and bleeding still come each month around the same time like clock work. I still get tender breasts a week or two prior to my “period” and bloated but the period is so light I wouldn’t even call it a period!

I also don’t feel anything. In the beginning, I swear I did, but now my body is use to it.

It’s a little nerve-racking not having a heavy period or no period at all because I can’t help but freak out wondering – am I pregnant?! My concerns while having the IUD are getting pregnant and ectopic pregnancy. I take pregnancy tests here and there just to be on the safe side but pregnancy with the IUD supposedly is very rare.

I am currently very happy with my decision to go on the Mirena IUD. I plan to stay on it as long as I can until I reach menopause.

I hope my story was helpful to those of you looking to gain insight of other’s experiences. If not, I hope it was at least a little entertaining to read, unless if you were totally grossed out. If you read my bio or my initial post Blog #25, you’ll know this blog is about being honest and real, so that’s what you’re gonna get!

Tell me your story!

I would love to hear if you had any similar experiences as I did with the same forms of birth control methods. Please comment below and tell me your stories!

Of course, if you have any questions about my experiences, please don’t hesitate to ask either by leaving a comment or privately through email at apinchofchaos@gmail.com.